
Post II of II: Adults Had Fun Too

OK, here are the rest of the photos!

This was the start of Finn's magnetic attraction to the ocean!

Finn ready to call it a day

Typical Fort DuRoss

Requisite shower shot

Papa and his clan

What's up "cuz?"

Somehow I managed to capture this storm off the coast to the south. The bright white light above the trail of taillights is the Cape Hatteras lighthouse.

Finn's first ocean swim! He loved it.

Stingray?? Doubtful. They stay away from the surf - it was probably just a cloud of sand. Actually everyone is looking for a lost sand toy.

Papa enjoying some much deserved rest.

Finn checking out the waves. That's me in the red shirt in the background.

Papa and Judah. Judah knew from day one that he needed to be in that ocean.

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