
Fall Update

We've been slacking on the blog front lately so I decided to throw together a hodge podge of what we've been up to recently. Well, I guess this one is mostly about what Finn has been up to.

Our big helper:

Cleaning the windows with Daddy

Raking leaves and jumping in the pile too, of course

Checking in with the lemon verbena to see if it is "happy" or "sad" ( we dug it out of the garden to overwinter in the house)

Harvesting the end of the season tomatoes before it freezes (and sampling a few to ensure they are still of the best quality)

Making his own batch of pizza dough, each step of the way, by my side (while I prepare my own ball of dough

1 comment:

Amber said...

Cute, Cute, Cute pictures! He is so stinkin' cute (not that I am biased or anything) :-)