
Wednesday - Northern California

August 4
just a short jaunt up the coast today to meet up with another good friend.  Clara and I go back to college days of mucking around chasing frogs in the Missoula vicinity.  We figured it had been somewhere around ten years since we'd last seen each other so I was happy she, and her two kids, could make the 45 minute trip from inland to hang out.  Finn relished having a fellow three year old to play with (after nearly a week of being on the road with the two of us as his sole companions).  Our afternoon was spent at Trinidad State Beach together and then out for fish n'chips/clam chowder at the Trinidad Bay Eatery before parting ways.    

Chris, still on the prowl for an opportunity to get out and catch some waves on his new surf board, scouted every potential break with anticipation.  Moonstone beach was beautiful but too uneventful.  Hiking to down to Agate beach from our camp site at Patrick's Point State Park after dinner was an enjoyable scouting session for all.  The surf was deemed worth checking into again in the morning, Finn and I scoured the beach for perfect rocks and Chris inspected the banks to determine the origin of the sediments.  

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