
Did you say dung beetle?

Well, this is a random smattering of photos and events to update everyone. Below: Finn showing off his dung beetle shirt. I can't believe he is big enough to fit this shirt. It seemed so huge when we received it in the mail from friends in S. Africa last year. He thinks he's pretty funny peeking through the back of my hat. I agree, it is pretty comical.

A recent teaser week of warm weather made it feel like Spring and left me craving a little change. It's been a year since my hair was last cut so I figured it was time to go short again, and a little blonder.

Lastly, I can't help but mention how proud I am of few of Chris's recent accomplishments. Last night he received a 2009 WSSPC (Western States Seismic Policy Council) Award in Excellence under the category of Research, specifically Wasatch and Sevier Faults Paleoseismic Research.

It's been a number of weeks now since Chris made the news, but there are still a few family members that haven't had the link to see it. Click here to see him speak about "Putting Down Roots in Utah".