

This has been a crazy month:
  • Nola Mae has continued to grow and become more awake and expressive, and we're all settling into our family of four (er, five...sorry Hudson). It is amazing how time flies with the second and how there are days that I feel like I barely get to hold her. The real challenge has been trying to tackle house/yard projects (see bullet #2)...things like dog-hair management tend to spiral out of control. Erika has been amazing in that regard: losing one job (teaching), but picking up three: Finn, Nola, and part-time work for a science museum. But, we're happy...especially with how calm she is (unless she's hungry!).
  • We were saddened to have our good friends from across the fence move to Portland. We sadly deconstructed the gate between our yards, but happily moved the fence - acquiring some of their expansive back yard. Many hours went into moving the fence (thanks Chip!), but we couldn't be happier with our new bigger yard and are grateful to them for making it happen.
  • With the extra land, we accelerated our plans to add three new additions to our family: 3 chickens in a hurricane-proof coop. Our amazing neighbors helped build it (including supplying a 1/4" sheet of aluminum for the roof!) and after just a week or so, we took on our moving neighbor's chickens. They're psyched about their new digs, and after a brief period of contemplation and discussion, have been rewarding us with three eggs a day.
  • Last, but not at all least, Finn turned 4! The weeks or so building up to his birthday were amazing: he was thrilled to be turning four and happy to no longer have to tell people he was three and three-quarters. The weather held and we celebrated outside with a pool and a bunch of his friends. He is one amazing kid - who continues to surprise and amaze us with his creativity, questions (though exhausting at times!), comprehension of complex things (e.g., photography, neighbors moving and us taking their chickens...), his calmness around and love for Nola, and appetite for learning (officially read his first word a few weeks ago).
Ok, the photos:
Sweet Nola Mae...sorry if we leave you in this seat a lot.

June blooms.

The upper deck....the new 19' added to our yard, which we're "turning into a farm" according to our upset neighbor (actually, he's right)

Our new garden space. Saying "our" as opposed to "E's" is a big step for me...finally taking part ownership of the garden. Carrots, potatoes, lettuce, squash should be "harvestable" come November.

The coop. At three organic eggs a day, our break-even point is mid June of next year in case you were wondering.

Sir Pecksalot...our most consistent layer (nickname Miss Laysalot).

Pool party! Total craziness.

Finn on his 4th.
Cake pops! These were a huge hit with kids and adults alike.

Blowing out the lighter (too windy for the candles).

Nola taking it all in with mom.

The whole crew of moms and kids (minus Ann/Anya, Renae/Kaya and a few others).

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Sun Sun Sun Here It Comes

OK, we're a few weeks behind, but this is too priceless to not share. Check out Finn jammin' on his last day of preschool. Watch as much as you can bear, but at least wait for the pan right and then back left...cracks me up every time.
