
Busy Growing

How did that happen?
We didn't take a single photo this entire weekend.

Thursday we headed down the road towards Missoula for a good friend's (Scott Barnett's) wedding. Chris and I were again inundated with nostalgia and the desire to pick up and move back to the place that still feels like "home" after all these years. The cogs started spinning as we began scheming over the one obstacle that always holds us back, "Where would we work?" What is the draw to Missoula? What is it about the landscape, the community, the way of life...? Despite the fact that Salt Lake is a pretty fantastic place to call home we can't help but wonder, "Is the grass greener back on the other side?"
Most significantly though, was the meaningful time spent catching up with many close friends.

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.-- Anonymous
Now that we are back in Salt Lake I have to document a few of Finn's recent big changes. He got his first haircut Friday morning in the hotel room. Chris got out the clippers and buzzed away. He did a great job, especially considering the fact that Finn didn't hold very still. He was too interested in checking out where the buzzing noise was coming from. I can't believe how he instantly looked so much older. After getting his hair cut we went downstairs for a buffet breakfast where Chris fed him his first few Cheerios. They were an instant hit. We snagged a small Tupperware full and fed him Cheerios throughout the weekend.

Driving home from Missoula yesterday I noticed two white spots on Finn's bottom gums. Today his two teeth officially popped through. I guess he was a little fussy yesterday in the car but being in a car seat for 8 hours is a long time so I don't blame him. His other new weekend developments include mimicking; repeatedly saying "da da" and starting to wave goodbye.

1 comment:

Amber said...

Love the pics!! He looks so cute. He is changing as fast as Hannah is - hard to keep up with how quick things are moving lately isn't it? Too bad we wont be seeing each other anytime soon so we could witness some of these changes in person!