
Just a few New Finn Photos

Ah, there's nothing quite like being cozied up in a fuzzy towel after a bath! I love how his feet are poking out. Below, Finn is reveling in one of his new joys - bouncing on the bed. It is so funny how he bounces around on his knees and then flops backwards, although it is also a little scary that he has no concept of the edge of the bed being a giant precipice.
Finn has quite the developing pitcher arm. He's gotten so interested in throwing the ball for Hudson. Now he claps for himself after he throws the ball. Yeah Finn!!!! (clap, clap, clap)

1 comment:

Amber said...

More cute pics! I love the clapping for himself - that is so cute. Hannah is really getting to be a lot of fun as far as playing with us more and doing things to make herself laugh. it is cute!