
Wilson Living

Hard to believe, but it has been almost a month since we moved into 1967 Wilson. The first three weeks were mostly chaos, followed by a week of actually getting things organized (and painted). So far we really feel at home (have stopped looking at utahrealestate.com) and have met most of the neighbors, including a neighbor across the street that has a daughter married to a crazy guy that Chip fought fires with, and another down the street that is on an email list I send out for earthquake-related meetings. Small world. Here are a few photos...more to come (in a month or so):

Kitchen and dining "nook"

OK, so not as nice as our remolded kitchen in our last house, but no hidden coal soot!

Good sign that we're getting old. We're no longer experimenting with random paint colors, but "going with what you know." In this case - Crocodile Tears.

Not surprisingly, the view of Mt. Olympus out the front window is one of our favorite things, which reminds us why we live in Utah.


Hope said...

What are you talking about ~ I love the new kitchen!! Looks like you're settled in nicely ~ can't wait to see and hear more about it.

CD said...

Nice view! You'll be scoping lines from the front yard. Glad to see Crocodile Tears in the repertoire still. Guatemalan Picnic or Rusty Midnight for the bathroom?

Audzzz said...

I also love the view- man, can't beat that, eh?! Everything looks beautiful...in true DuRoss style. And yeah, watch out for that "crazy" guy. If you leave him unattended in your house, he may put a balloon in your toilet.

Amber said...

Looks awesome! I love the color, the floors, the bright kitchen, the fireplace and of course the AMAZING view!! Can't wait to see it in person