
Look Mom, No Hands

Finn is getting more independent with eating, especially when it comes to being in control of the spoon. As you can see, it is does not make for the tidiest of meals.

Above:Check out those teeth! He has five now and I'm pretty sure he's working on popping out another one (or more)
any day now.

Below: he's working hard to be independent, holding the cup on his own while drinking his smoothie with a straw.


Amber said...

What a big boy!! He looks so cute with his little teeth! He also looks so old holding his cup and straw!! :-) It seems he has grown a lot since I last saw him and that wasn't even that long ago! I can't believe Hannah is turning 1 on SATURDAY! YIKES!!

Audzzz said...

What a mess! I want to play! We miss the you guys and the Finner lots. I am glad Chris is busy finding vulnerabilities and, most importantly :), racking up the comp time so you guys can come visit in a few months!

Joanie said...

Finn is so adorable! Next he will be hanging his spoon on his nose like some other DuRoss boys that I know!